Deploying Capital

With an oversubscribed fund of $1.2 million, deploy $613,000 over the past year into 8 black food businesses in New York. The heart of our investment process is our community-led decision-making body, called an Investment Committee. We work with this committee of 12 black farmers and food businesses to collectively develop financial education, investment, and decentralized decision-making skills to inform funding decisions; 

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Melanie Allen

Host 8 skillshares for the Black agricultural community in the Northeast with over 200 community members attending to learn about topics ranging from animal husbandry and lessons from seasoned farmers to decision-making structures; 

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Melanie Allen
Rapid Response Fund

Deploy $60,000 to 9 black agricultural businesses in the Northeast through our Rapid Response Fund to address financial needs that cannot be covered through BFF’s longer funding processes and to support people and businesses directly in times of immediate need;

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Melanie Allen
Technical Assistance

Provide over 100 hours of technical assistance support through internal programming and contract subsidization. Host 11 community work days at our borrowers' businesses with over 50 people;

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Melanie Allen